Midwest Clinic

Come see us at the Midwest Clinic!

December 19-22, 2022 – Booth 1605
McCormick Place, Chicago, IL
Meet some of our new composers!!!

December 2022 events calendar

Thank you for joining our February Clinic

The Resurgence of the Music of Claude T. Smith
February 13, 2020, 1-2 p.m., Room CC212
Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA)
100th Anniversary Convention
Gonzales Center, San Antonio, TX
In this clinic, Pam Smith Kelly will explore Claude’s life and compositional techniques including challenging rhythms, ranges, meters and techniques, variations to theme, fugues, and creative scoring, leading to success in rehearsals and at contest. Attendees will receive a 16-page list of Smith’s compositions and 3 analyzed band scores.

Claude T. Smith Publications, Inc. will have a booth in the exhibits (2277 & 2279) at the TMEA 100th Anniversary Convention.

Thank you for joining our January Clinic

Claude T. Smith’s Compositions: Retrospective and Resurgence!
January 23, 2020, 2 p.m.
Missouri Music Educators Association Convention (MMEA)
Tan-Tar-A Conference Center, 494 Tan Tar A Drive, Osage Beach 65065
Andrew Glover will lead a panel discussion with distinguished educators, conductors and advocates on the life and siginificance of the world-renowned composer, Claude T. Smith (1932-1987). Panel: Russell Coleman, Pam Smith Kelly, Marvin Manring, Johnny Woody and Andrew Yates.